Red Hat Satellite Server 6 How to install on RHEL 6/RHEL 7

Preparing for Red Hat Satellite Server 6 Installation – What you need to get started is

  • RHEL 6 or RHEL 7 server.
  • Satellite Server 6 entitlement from Red Hat Network.
  • Access to RHN network.

Step 1.) Register the Satellite server using the subscription-manager command, then set the Satellite 6 version in RHN network if you are transitioning from Red hat Satellite 5.5 :

subscription-manager register --type=satellite

Red Hat Satellite Server 6 InstallationStep 2.) find the pool id from Red Hat Satellite Server 6 and then attach the pool id id

subscription-manager list --available --all|less
Subscription Name:Red Hat Satellite Subscription
Provides:Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Satellite Capsule
Red Hat Satellite
Pool ID:axddff9944gghhaabbabababb
Service Level:Self-Support
Service Type:L1-L3
System Type:Virtual

subscription-manager attach --pool=axddff9944gghhaabbabababb

Step 3.) Disable RHEL 6 or RHEL 7 repos and enable the Software collection and Satellite server 6 repos

#subscription-manager repos --disable "*"

#subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-rpms --enable rhel-server-rhscl-6-rpms \
--enable rhel-6-server-satellite-6.0-rpms

Step 4.) Verify yum repos, this is crucial before you start doing Red Hat Satellite Server 6 installation. I am doing this on my VMware RHEL 6 VM’s , important thing to note is before you can install katello you need to have right repos available to your Red Hat Satellite server 6  machine

# yum repolist

rhel-6-server-rpms Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs) 12,913
rhel-6-server-satellite-6.0-rpms Red Hat Satellite 6.0 (for RHEL 6 Server) (RPMs) 345
rhel-server-rhscl-6-rpms Red Hat Software Collections RPMs for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server 1,269

Step 5.) Run the yum updates and then do the katello installation

#yum -y update
#yum install katello

So far so good, right the Satellite Server 6 installation is not bad if you are experienced Red Hat Server administrator, if you are Windows Admin then also it wouldn’t be difficult to follow the instructions I have added here.

Step 6.) Here comes the final step to install Katello

katello-installer –capsule-dns true –capsule-dns-forwarders \ –capsule-dns-interface eth0 –capsule-dns-zone \ –capsule-dns-reverse \
–capsule-dhcp true –capsule-dhcp-interface eth0 \
–capsule-dhcp-gateway –capsule-tftp true

Adding Static routes in RHEL 5.x/RHEL 6.x

For Adding static routes in CentOS or RHEL , the ip route command comes very handy :

For example if you want to use the different network interface to reach out to some isolated network then use the ip route add command:

ip route add via dev eth1

You can Verify by running route -n command

Similarly, for reaching out to a different network use , as listed in example below:

ip route add  via dev eth1

How to change Emulex HBA queue depth options in RHEL 6

Changing the queue depth of Emulex HBA

For Changing maximum queue depth settings in Emulex HBA on servers running RHEL 6 loading and unloading lpfc module is needed. The Emulex HBA support the following options to influence the queue depth settings :

# modinfo lpfc|grep queue_depth
parm: lpfc_lun_queue_depth:Max number of FCP commands we can queue to a specific LUN (uint)
parm: lpfc_hba_queue_depth:Max number of FCP commands we can queue to a lpfc HBA (uint)

Step 1.In RHEL 6 create a module related file under /etc/modprobe.d/ by name lpfc.conf ” and add:

options lpfc lpfc_hba_queue_depth=32
options lpfc lpfc_lun_queue_depth=32

Step 2. Rebuild the initial ramdisk image in RHEL 6:
2a. It is recommended you make a backup copy of the initrd in case the new version has an unexpected problem :

cp /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.bak

2b.Now rebuild the initramfs for the current kernel version:

#dracut -f

Reboot the servers and verify the lpfc_hba_queue_depth and lpfc_lun_queue_depth values.